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a new initiative!



The purpose of the “Oral Presentation Awards” is to recognize scientific papers of exceptional quality delivered through oral presentations at the Panamerican Trauma Society (PTS) annual meeting by multi-disciplinary residents/fellows.

The awards are designed to motivate the participation of residents/fellows from all countries to showcase their works in the fields of acute care surgery, trauma and critical care and to maintain standards of high-level oral presentations.


The PTS encourages residents/fellows from the American continents and Caribe to submit abstracts for the PTS annual conference by May 1 (Phase I). All papers received by the due date (May 1) will be evaluated and scored by a team of experts, and the top ten best abstracts will be selected for an oral podium presentation. A resident/fellow, first author of the selected papers, will have an opportunity to compete for one of the “Oral Presentation Awards.”  

The oral presentations are an essential and valued part of this award. The presentations will be judged on the content and quality of delivery by a panel of experienced judges.

The winners of the awards will be selected at the end of the oral presentations, and the list of winners will be posted at the PTS booth during the annual conference as well as at the next day of the presentation.


The awards are open to resident/fellows pursuing careers in acute care surgery, trauma and critical care who have submitted abstracts for the Resident Competition. Please follow this link to read guidelines to submit abstracts for the next PTS annual meeting.  

Please note!

  • This award is open to residents/fellows who are first authors of a selected paper for oral presentation
  • A presenter who is not a resident will be disqualified and will not be considered for an award.
  • A presenter must be an active member of the Panamerican Trauma Society. Please follow this link to become a PTS member.


The PTS offers three awards for the resident/fellow oral presentations at the PTS Annual Scientific Meeting. The award recognition levels are:

  • 1st Prize. Winner will receive a check of $1,000 plus a certificate of participation.
  • 2nd Prize. Winner will receive a check of $750 and a certificate of participation.
  • 3rd Prize. Winner will receive a check of $500 plus a certificate of participation.

Selection criteria:

The presentations will be judged in terms of scientific content and quality of the oral presentation.

  • The scientific content will be assessed based on the structure of the presentation including objectives, methodology, application of epidemiological/statistical tools, the coherence of the conclusion, and impact. Please follow this link to read more about the guidelines to submit abstracts (phase I) and to prepare an Oral podium presentation (phase II)
  • The quality of the oral presentation will be judged based on the delivery of the oral presentation, originality, and language. The presentation should not have been published or presented elsewhere and must be the original work of the resident/fellow.

General considerations:

        • This travel award is not transferable to an individual who is not a co-author and who is not a resident/fellow of a selected paper for oral presentation.
        • The travel award is paid by an international check to the presenter, and the award does not include fees related to cashing foreign checks.
        • Awardees will be honored and receive their award during the PTS annual assembly. Please refer to the PTS scientific program for the date and time of the Annual Assembly.
        • For more information to submit your abstract (phase I) please follow this link

This program award is sponsored by the PTS Scholarship Subcommittee (Dr. Susan Briggs (Chair), Dr. Esteban Foianini, Dr. Sharon Henry and Dr. Manny Lorenzo).

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