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  • $ 15 Donation - Complementary PTS surgical cap - STETHOSCOPE for women| Donación de $15 - Gorro quirúrgico complementario PTS - ESTETOSCOPIO para mujer


Donate to the PTS mission and get a Lap pin, a baseball cap, or a T-shirt. These items symbolize your unique connection to our community.

Remember, the exclusive PTS lapel pins, baseball caps, and T-shirts are only available during the XXXVI Panamerican Congress of Trauma, Critical Care and Emergency Surgery at the Sheraton Hotel in Lima, Peru.

Look for the PTS booth to get your favorite items, show off your pride anywhere, and stay connected to the PTS community!

Below select the amount you would like to contribute to the International Scholarship Fund 2024.

$ 15 Donation - Complementary PTS surgical cap - STETHOSCOPE for women| Donación de $15 - Gorro quirúrgico complementario PTS - ESTETOSCOPIO para mujer

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WOMAN'S SURGICAL CAP - GORRA QUIRURGICA DE MUJER Gorro quirúrgico PTS - Corazon Gorra quirurgica presentando el logo de la SPT a un lado y al otro un corazon. La frase "Para mejorar el trauma en las Americas" al frente Material: Gorro antifluido con motivo Tamaño: Unico Diseno: Disponible para hombre y mujer Color: Disponible en azul oscuro ENGLISH Surgical cap PTS – heart Surgical cap featuring the PTS logo on one side of the cap and a heart in the other. The phrase "To improve trauma in the Americas" (TITA) on the front Material: Anti-fluid cap with a motif Size: One size Design: Available for men and women Color: Available in dark blue
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